Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 9:47 PM
i moved. http://swooping-is-bad.blogspot.com leaving this behind is for the best. |
Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 5:57 PM
LOL Today, while my friend and I were driving in a traffic jam, we got really bored and decided to open the car's roof window and blow soap bubbles out of it. The man in the car behind us, opened his window and started catching them with his hands. Made our day. MLIA Today, my half-blind grandmother told me the princess on my t-shirt was very beautiful, and that I look just like her. My shirt had Wolverine on it. Bless her heart. MLIA Today, I realized the word bed actually looks like a bed. MLIA I laughed damn hard when I saw these :D "Couldn't you be more positive?" "Alright, I'm positive we will not get through this." |
@ 5:35 PM
hobey-ho, let's go So. Last day before a new adventure unfolds. Life at Punggol. HAHA. St' George's held many wonderful memories for me. Easy accessibility, taking 2 minutes to walk down for training, the friends I made, the playground, malikilja(LOL), the view from my bedroom window, the size of my house, and so on. But it's time to move on. And so I go. Hobey-ho, let's go. Don't you know...I'm the bogeyman. |
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 11:34 PM
hello HAHAHAHAHA. It turns out, I can't sleep either. HAHA. So sorry Ningaye D: Today, I was walking down the hallway at school, and two very short girls were in the middle of loudly arguing with each other. A security officer approached, and instead of discouraging the fight, he picked up one of the girls and walked away. MLIA. HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAAHHAHA I BURST OUT LAUGHING AT THIS. I looooooove MLIA :D |
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 12:22 AM
HAHA Today I saw a hot guy that was singing the Pokemon theme song at the top of his lungs during our PE class. I sang along with him, and afterwards, he came up to me and said "I chose you, Pikachu," and handed me a pokeball. I opened it, and read the message inside. Guess who's got a date for prom? The power of Pokemon. HAHA. |
Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 11:32 PM
sunrise Awesome. |
@ 9:14 PM
merchant of death Hello world! I'm tired. HAHA. Morning was so effing infuriating. Went for training. IT WAS ACTUALLY FUN KAY HAHHA. -while me and cheryl was waiting for nicole- Cheryl: -brandishes her racket- I'm gonna slam this in your face and you'll look like a patty :D Me: Huh? Patty? O_O Cheryl: Yes, patty, like meat patty? -sees my face- Oh no, don't think sick. Me: I wasn't! But now that you've mentioned it... :D -when rolling the courts- Me: OOH LOOK, PUDDLE! -jumps into the puddle and got my socks and shoes wet- Nicole: -to cheryl- She's just like a little kid. -at the gym doing something with the biceps- Coach Qing: Okay, last one! Excellent. -slaps my back- Me: -head falls onto the cushion thing where my arms were resting- Oh dear God, I can't feel my arms! CoachQ: -sees me and looks shocked- DO YOU KNOW HOW DIRTY THAT IS, HOW MANY SWEATY MEN REST THEIR ARMS THERE blablabla -the rest of them laugh- Me: -gets up- I DON'T CARE! -when leaving- Me: -tries to lift up bag, but falls onto knees instead- WAHLAU! Cheryl: -happens to come in at the time- AIYOH! STOP PRAYING TO THE BENCH! it's cool kay :D my feet are freeeeezing. bye! :D What exactly is a french before it is fried? |
Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 8:30 PM
the never war If you haven't noticed, I've changed my blogskin :D I WANT TO BLOG ABOUT CLASS CHALETTTT. First Day: -me, farah a, daphne and cheryl pile on top of one another. a moment later it breaks- -me, fiqah, lavelle, daffy and some other people watch a korean video- Mum: Eh what's that ah? Porn is it? Aunty Dila: Never mind, can lah! I kinda forgot whay happened on the first day. HHAHAHA. Second Day: -me, anu, damini, farah a, farah, chu yi and whoever else returns from the bus stop- Riny: EH WHY YOU ALL COME BACK SO FAST? Anu: OHMYGOD THE MOVIE WAS SO FREAKY! -blabbers on about some movie which we didn't even watch- Barbeque: Zahwah: I thought she(beng) was special. -when talking to beng- I VERY SHY AH. Beng: -becomes mad- SHY WHAT SHY?! I forgot what happened on the third day too. Oops. Third Day: Me, Fiqah, Chu Yi, Anu, Damini and Farah A went bowling! ...and surprisingly, I won the game. HAHAHAH. 99! And I scored my first strike! In training: Cheryl: You know, that ah ma just took the box which is ketrisha's home. Remember, booger? -we explode into laughter- After I return: Fiqah: PLEASE PUT YOUR SHOES PROPERLY. WE JUST TIDIED THIS PLACE UP! :D Then we all went into the second room. One word. Madness. HAHA. Isabelle: I WANNA GET F*ED! Hanis: What is the most sexual encounter you've ever had? Cheryl: -walks in- HUH WHAT? OH, I'M STRAIGHT. Cheryl: Oh, I'm from KCP. Me: OH IS THAT WHERE YOU GOT YOUR TSHIRT? -bursts out laughing- -playing the random shuffle game- Somebody: What is Beng's future like? -If I Were Gay starts playing. All of us erupted into laughter- Me: How do you describe Zahwah and Cheryl's scandal? -Save It For The Bedroom plays- I forgot the details laaa. HAHA. Then during training, there's only one memorable thing that happened: Jonathan: Hello! Me and Derek: 'Suuup. Jonathan: -turns to me- What school are you from? Me: TKG. Jonathan: You, what, Sec 4? Sec 3? Me:WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I'M SIXTEEN?! Jonathan: -laughing- OH SORRY SORRY! goddammit. HAHAHHAHA nah just kidding. okay, so. bye :D "why aren't you afraid of the dark anymore?" "because i know there's always light shining in from the outside." |
Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 3:17 PM
breath Training on Saturday was no better than the previous one. I was hitting with Derek, giving him all sorts of funny shots when Coach stormed in with a bad mood again because some RP player was apparently caught smooching with his girlfriend during their competition and at the venue too. He accused them of improper conduct, and so, we were slapped with a pre-torturous drill first thing in the morning. Suicides until he said stopped. And that was a loooong time later. Afterwards, Coach made me, Preethi, Geok, Steffi, Joseph and Huai Shen hit in one court while he yelled at the other RP latecomers. I was hitting with Huai Shen when, during his(Coach’s) yelling, he said that I had always behaved well. I was like, whoa. I didn’t see that coming. Honestly speaking I never thought I behaved well. HAHA, given that I hung around loudmouths like Nicole, Dannii and Nadia. Then played doubles with Preethi against Michelle and Jasmine, which we won 6-1. Came back, played Bobslap with a twist: Losing team does extra physical training. My team: me, Han Ying, Beatrix, Darren, Huai Shen, Lok Chong. Their team: Derek, Liyana, Joseph, Ernest, Jonathan, Jie Hng and somebody whom I’ve forgotten. It sucked big time because we didn’t get to feed the balls, we were one player short and these disadvantages were looked over. The three people in my team who was always there was me, Han Ying and Huai Shen. I was so pissed that when I got a sitting-duck of a shot, I slammed it into Lok Chong’s back, which scared the toot out of me. We got punished yet again for not having enough ‘fire’. I was sitting at the net with Ernest opposite me at that time. And this time, it was everything thrown into a blender. Lunges, push-ups, half-squats, suicides, running, the usual. There was this punishment where everyone lined up at the single sidelines in half-squat position while each person takes a turn to run to the other sideline and back six times. If anyone recovers from their position, the person running does double. Sweet huh. After that, I played Bobslap like I never did before: I knocked the opposition down with a single shot. One was all I needed. At one point we won a game with only me and Huai Shen taking down all the members of the opposition. I was so happy I went “Yes!” and dropped my racket before slapping five with Huai Shen. Thank God we didn’t get anymore punishments after that. But it ended with one phrase ringing in my mind:“You kids are too soft. |
Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 3:46 PM
-nil- I know this is the first post since I went on hiatus, but I am in too much of a foul mood to greet anything. Today was the worst training ever. Let's see how we're gonna summarise it. It started with Coach scolding Jenny for using a vulgarity, and making us do push-ups for godknowswhat reason, getting placed in the same group with GeokDerekDarrenJosephMichelleDresden to do some drill against LiyanaBeatrixMichelleJasmineJiehng. Darren kept making sick jokes about his 'balls', and for a boy who barely finished his PSLE that was something. Got punished(running to the net and back in 7 sec. This occurred MANY times. Oh, and did I mention two rounds of lunges around a court?) for having not enough 'fire' and for not clearing the balls before play. This was ridiculous, as at that time Derek was sweeping all the balls on our side back for us to use and if all the blazing winners I hit weren't 'fire'ful enough I don't know what the heck 'fire' is. My whole team were incensed after the punishments, and started taking it out on the ball. The other team got angry as well, and told us to 'feed the ball properly'. Once I accidentally hit the ball to the side, and I got shouted at. Of course, I retorted. I got so angry once that I kicked the ball, and it hit Joseph's arm(apologised profusely after that. I do have a heart you know). But Derek was the angriest. You should've seen him. For a 10-year-old kid, he shouts like a secondary school boy, save the vulgarities for the latter. Towards the end we got punished AGAIN, shoulder was throbbing BAD, and I puked on the court, but of course, no one gave a damn as they were too busy picking up the balls and rushing out of place. Outside, we got punished yet again as some idiot(I really don't know who, was probably too busy kicking the daylights out of the tennisballs to notice) apparently ran across the court while some people were playing, and we did not have enough discipline, which I am inclined to agree with. Push-up position for at least five minutes, holding one leg up in the air at a time, half-squat position for three minutes, 10 kangaroo jumps, another five minutes in push-up position(this time a diamond-shaped position), more half-squats and some other things which I've forgotten. This set of punishment lasted for, what, 15 minutes? My arms were still trembling an hour later.vFinally we had to sort out all the balls, and after we have done that nicely, Coach asked us to find a special US Open ball, so we had to dig everything again just to find it. Apologised to Michelle for everything that happened just now. And next week he asked us to find the meaning to the lyrics of Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror, and will be asking someone for the meaning. If any of you do know, please tell me, cuz I don't. So, an end to the worst training I've had since I was P4. I think I shall try to refrain from cursing and swearing now, after seeing what happened after a vulgarity sparks this torture. If someone insults you with a vulgarity, and you retort with another, you are no better than that person. But if you swallow it, and not say vulgarities back, then it shows that you are better than that person. |
Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 8:17 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Hey, am currently posting tennis fan fiction at http://nf-heartbreaker.livejournal.com/ do visit it, and leave a comment if you wish :D |
Saturday, September 5, 2009 @ 10:52 PM
HI HI I'M USING MY PARENTS' COMPUTER. Going to rebond my hair either on Mon or Tues, going out with some dudes to buka on Wed, maybe going to iftar on Sat. "So Marat, how does winning the Davis Cup feel like?" "This is better than sex!" |
Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 9:11 PM
sayonara ALRIGHT!! I'm going on HIATUS until exams are over. SEE YA AND JIA YOU KAY! :D "Bring it to me baby. I am inside the baseline." |
@ 8:05 PM
hey HI. Since I'm in a MUCH better mood I will post the MOMENTS OF THE DAY. Zahwah: -suddenly bursts into the classroom brandishing the board- HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIN!!!! Ain was so touched she cried :D Ain: NO NO! MUST GET BACK TO CHAIRMAN DUTY. Afiqah: NOOOO! I SHALL DO IT FOR YOU :D Me: -hands Daphne our card- HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAPHNE!! Daphne: -beams- THANK YOU! -looks at the basketball Afiqah drew on the cover- YAYY! Oh you know, I'm surprised you never put NINTH birthday. Me: HUH? Why? Daphne: BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS SAY I LOOK LIKE NINE YEAR OLD! Ain was so touched by our messages that she even hugged Beng. It was a sight to behold. HAHAHA. Hugged loads of people today. After all it IS the last day of school. Time flies man. Time flies. “Lady, can you speak up a little bit? Indianapolis is a little far from Europe, I can’t hear you." |
@ 3:27 PM
talking to amalina is funny. HAHA. I'M REALLY HUNGRY. DAMMIT. I'm in the transition ... It's not easy because I'm very emotional. Some things really hurt me, and maybe I express myself a little bit too much - people didn't get used to that. But at the end of the day, you sit and think to yourself, 'I've reacted the way I felt that's right.' Maybe it's wrong, but you learn from your mistakes. That's why life is testing us all the time. |
@ 2:25 PM
dak hamee hi. so last day of school. time flies, huh? so anyway, HAPPY ADVANCED BDAY AIN/DAPHNE! I shall not say much here since I already wrote stuff to you in the cards :D Enjoy it kay! Photos are gonna be up on fb soon. I was wondering. If 10 weeks can fly past like Usain Bolt, how about 7 weeks? "Within a triad of solar periods, you'll recognize your dearth of compatability with your paramour and conclude your association." "My journey was transformative and I reassert my committment to both the aforementioned paramour & the philosophies he espouses." "What are we talking of? Baseball?" "It's all gonna return to masticate you in the glutials. Support my hypothesis, Ted." "I'm just jubilant my former paramour is jubilant." |
Thursday, September 3, 2009 @ 8:45 PM
city of ashes hey. i'm not much into saying a lot of stuff today, so. MOMENTS OF THE DAY Jia Nan: CLAUDIA! You should let a dog bite your foot. -class erupts into laughter- Cheryl: -hands me her drawing- Me: -takes one look at it and bursts out laughing- Shaikha: SEE?! I connect with Lavelle, she connect with you, and you connect with who? ISABELLE. Glenda: You know the sony erection phone- -the four of us howl with laughter- guys? what are we going to do about ____________? seriously, alec? i don't think that's all. arghhhh. and that dream seriously freaks me out kay. it's seems like a premonition. "All my life I have dared to go past what is possible." "To the impossible?" "Actually, past that. To the place where the possible and the impossible meet, to become... the possimpible." "The possimpible? Really?" "Inventing your own word shows creativity and vision — Visitivity" |
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 @ 5:05 PM
the forgotten won't anyone listen? "We all know that love is the answer. But what, exactly, is the question?" "Doesn't matter, mate, the answer is always the same." |
@ 3:11 PM
the change harlo :D today was quite slack. MOMENTS OF THE DAY Before School Told more lame jokes. Kenny and Nemo. HHAHA. English Geez I was that close to an A. Music Ms Ng didn't come. DARN. Here's a list of people I want to scold: LAVELLE GAAAAAHHH I HATE YOU HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEE. I AM SO NOT GONNA MARRY YOU!!!! HAHAHAHA. DAPHNE HOW COULD YOU TELL LAVELLE TO SAY THAT TO MEEE. AND GOSH I WANT TO LAUGH AT/SLAP YOUR KINDERGARTENER FACE HAHAHAHAHHAHA. SAM HOW COULD YOU PLAY ALONG WITH THIS D: CHU YI HOW COULD YOU NOT GET THAT PART ABOUT THE LION AND THE LAMB?! done :D Recess: Talked and sang in broken Malay. ...and got chased out. HAHA. Science Mrs Tan annoys me with her shouting -__- HML uhm just did a comprehension i guess? History borrrring. so here i am :D replied an email from Ain and Zahwah. I'LL MISS 2E1 LIKE SHIZZ MAN. "Hello, Tobias. You heard me? I was trying to be silent." "You're very quiet. For a big old four-legged, two-handed, four-eyed, scorpion-tailed alien." "One of these nights I will show you." "Hah. Right. And eagles may fly out of my butt." "IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" "Nah. See, that's why it's funny." |